
Exercise Physiology in Beaumaris


Our Bayside Exercise Physiologists are accredited health professionals with extensive knowledge in the clinical use of exercise for rehabilitation.

What is an Exercise Physiologist?

An Exercise Physiologist is a university trained health professional who specialise in the design and delivery of safe exercise interventions to optimise your health, function and quality of life. At SHG our Exercise Physiologists are accredited with Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) and are required to undertake continuing professional development to ensure they are up to date with current research and exercise prescription guidelines.



Our Exercise Physiologist will provide expert advice and strategies in the prevention, management and treatment of chronic health conditions, sporting injuries, as well as improving your general health and wellbeing. 


Exercise Physiology services are beneficial for a wide variety of conditions and life stages. Kirsty has completed further training and has a special interest in treating the following:

  • Injury rehabilitation

  • Falls prevention

  • Osteoporosis/osteoarthritis

  • Pregnancy/Postpartum recovery

  • Perimenopause/menopause

  • Endometriosis, adenomyosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

  • Cancer diagnosis

Exercise Physiology services at Seaview Health Group are eligible for claiming with third party insurers and private health fund rebates are also available depending on your level of cover.


do i need a referral to access exercise physiology services?

A referral isn’t required however if you have a complex medical history then a letter from your GP/specialist can be incredibly helpful.

What to expect in an initial exercise physiology assessment:

We will discuss your overall health including injuries, medical conditions and any current limitations or pain. You can expect to complete a series of functional tests to gain baseline measures which will be re-assessed over time to monitor progress. Together, we will develop short and long term goals and you will be provided with foundation level exercises and/or stretches to get started. It’s important to understand that there typically isn’t enough time to prescribe a full program at the initial assessment, this will occur at your follow up appointment..

what should i wear and do i need to bring anything to an exercise physiology session?

We recommend for both individual and group exercise sessions that you wear comfortable clothing that allows you to stretch and move, along with wearing closed in footwear. Bring a towel and water bottle to stay hydrated. 


Seaview Health Group offers a range of exercise physiology services to assist you across all stages of life. Our individualised programs and group classes can be tailored to suit your current level of function and goals. 

Individual & Group sessions

Individual Exercise Sessions:

A tailored exercise program under constant supervision of our Exercise Physiologist. Seeking guidance in a 1:1 setting is extremely beneficial for injury rehabilitation or if you have a complex medical condition. We will prescribe safe and effective exercises to support you in achieving your goals. 

Group Exercise Classes:

Here at SHG our Exercise Physiologists offer group exercise classes which allow you to perform clinical exercise rehabilitation in a social atmosphere while having your technique monitored closely. You can feel safe and supported knowing the Accredited Exercise Physiologist understands the complexities involved with your health conditions or injuries and they will provide individualised modifications for each participant where necessary.  

Home Exercise Advice:

We take a realistic and holistic approach to your exercise program. We can provide you with a personalised home program that will allow you to manage your own health and work towards your goals. Periodic reviews are still advised as this will allow us to re-assess your program and monitor your progress.

Group Exercise Classes

Stretch & Breathe: 

The perfect stretch session to complement your weekly exercise routine. The combination of stretching and breathwork aims to restore correct posture, alleviate muscle tension and prevent injury.  


Strong & Stable:  

A gentle strength and conditioning style class for older adults who are wanting to remain active while improving balance and bone health. The class will focus on weight-bearing exercises, balance training and lower limb stability. 


Mums & Bubs: 

Educating new mothers on their postpartum bodies while focusing on core activation, correct breathing patterns and postural strength. Classes are suitable from 6 weeks postpartum and pre-crawling babies are welcome to attend.