
Podiatrist Black Rock

Black Rock Podiatry

We Match You With The Podiatrist Who Is Most Experienced In Treating Your Condition



Orthotics Podiatrist


Sports Podiatrist


Our Black Rock podiatrist goes 'above and beyond' and are dedicated to providing you with the best results possible that make a real difference to your health and happiness. Seaview Health Group Podiatry Black Rock has highly qualified podiatrists with many years of experience to treat all of your leg, ankle and foot problems.

We see a wide range of conditions and believe effective treatment and regular maintenance is key to healthy feet. You can choose one of our Black Rock podiatrists to treat your nail conditions, sporting injuries and provide information on all things footwear, or we can match you with the podiatrist that is best for you.

Our Black Rock Podiatry Clinic caters for everyone from children to the elderly and sports people to people with diabetes. Our Podiatrists Rhys, Bas and Dan are up to date with the latest equipment, techniques and research to get you back on your feet as soon as possible.


Choose The Podiatrist That Is Right For You

Our team at SHG Black Rock Podiatry have interests in many areas of podiatry care. This enables them to deliver treatments that are specifically tailored to you and your family's needs.

Your Black Rock Podiatrist has a in depth understanding of biomechanical dysfunctions, injury rehabilitation and lower limb medical conditions which allows them to deliver personalised treatment that produce the results you desire.

Contact us and we can match you with one of our podiatrist who is best suited to treating your condition.

Podiatry Treatment Near Black Rock

Results based podiatry treatments that work!

We combine our expertise to address your issues, get you moving and back on your feet again. We truly value your health, and we are committed to providing immediate relief and finding long lasting solutions that deliver the results you need.

heel pain podiatrist

heel pain

  • Painful area around the heel or along the arches of your feet

  • Can be felt along the band that attaches from your heel bone to the toes

  • Risk factors might include footwear, foot type, activity levels, arthritis, tight calf muscles

  • Signs and symptons may include pain, stiffness, swelling and or calf pain

  • Treatments may include, footwear assessment, orthotics, dry needling, massage, tapping, NSAIDS, shockwave and specific exercises

ingrown toenail podiatrist

ingrown toenail

  • Painful or inflamed nail edge

  • Often infected due to nail impeding on skin

  • Red and swollen

  • Remove a small wedge of the nail

  • The nail will need to be filed

  • You may need antibiotics if it is infected

Bunion Podiatrist


  • Bony lump developing at the big toe joint

  • Base of the big toe sticks out and the tip on the toe points inwards

  • Some risk factors might include footwear, arthritis, injuries or heredity

  • Signs and symptoms may include swelling, redness, soreness, corns/callous, limited movement and ongoing pain in the big toe

  • Treatments may include footwear assessment, orthotics, tapping, NSAIDS and specific exercises


  • Build-up of hardened skin over a high pressured area and shear force along the soles of your feet

  • Can develop into hard corns over time or an open wound

  • Risk factors include foot wear, foot type, diabetes, long standing

  • Signs and symptoms include pain, hardened skin, dry skin and or tenderness under the skin

  • Treatment includes offloading, orthotics, skin debridement and or protective footwear

Shin splints podiatrist

Shin splints and running injuries

  • Pain in the legs due to heavy activities or sports

  • It can be caused by overuse or a sudden increase in intensity of exercises

  • Risk factors can hard terrain, footwear, foot type, increased or sudden exercise and or running techniques

  • Signs and symptom include leg pain, tenderness, swelling of lower legs and or tenderness

  • Treatment include footwear, orthotics, shockwave therapy, dry needling, massaging, NSAIDS and specific exercises

Black Rock Podiatry


Helping clients from Black Rock for over 15 years. Our clinic is just down the road at 330 Balcombe Road, Beaumaris.

What To Expect At Your Podiatry Consultation Near Black Rock

Our Black Rock Podiatrists will address your concerns, personalise your treatment and provide valuble advice
  1. Initially, we’ll ask you some questions so that you are placed in the care of the best practitioner. 

  2. Then we outline what you can expect from your first podiatry consultation.

  3. A thorough medical history will be noted by our podiatrists.

  4. An assessment of the area will be undertaken to determine.

  5. A diagnosis as well as any care instructions, prescriptions needed or exercise advice will be discussed with you.

  6. You will be presented with a clear prognosis including goals that can be achieved to help you return to normal daily function.

  7. You receive a management plan highlighting any future consultations that are required for treatment. 

  8. If needed, notes and instructions will be provided so you can access our online exercise prescription platform. 

  9. A follow up from your podiatrist will be provided to ensure your condition is improving based on the management plan and to check if you have any further questions.

Pain can be extremely debilitating and can impact important parts of your life. We have helped thousands of clients from Black Rock and surrounding areas so if you want get out of pain and back on your feet book a podiatry appointment at our clinic near Black Rock.

Black Rock Podiatry

Podiatry Clinic Near Black Rock

Open Mon-Fri 8am-7pm and Sat 8am-1pm

We can can assist you with the right treatment for all of your concerns. If you’re looking for a podiatrist then look no further than Seaview Health Group’s Podiatrists Black Rock or if you would like general information on foot care visit Foot Health Australia

Foot, ankle and leg problems are not always a localised issue. Your symptoms could be related to biomechanics, posture or medical conditions, so our Black Rock podiatrists take a entire body approach to assess, treat and get you back on your feet. 

Put your best foot forward and take the first step toward a happier, healthier you by booking an appointment online or call us on (03) 9589 7815 if you have any questions. We would love to help from you.


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