School holidays are coming to an end, which means parents are itching to get back into normal routine and kids are excited to see their friends. We often see an increase in children attending the clinic for back, neck and shoulder pain once school is back in session. Poor sitting habits, screen time and insufficient exercise are major contributors. So, what can we do to set our kids up with good posture practices for life?
A good place to start working on posture is when they’re sitting for hours on end doing homework and assignments (along with their recreational screen time). Check the desk and chair height are appropriate; are they able to keep their feet flat on the floor? Is their screen at eye level to reduce the strain on their neck? We know that children won’t always follow the correct sitting guidelines however ensuring an ergonomic desk is an important step in setting them up for success.
Screen time is virtually unavoidable in today’s society however you can consider implementing movement breaks to avoid them sitting for too long. It’s recommended that children participate in one hour of movement throughout the day to not only build strength and coordination but it also improves their social and emotional health. Set a timer and get them up for a stretch break, dance party in the lounge room or a walk around the block.
Finally, when it comes to school accessories, their backpack should fit firm and snug with wide straps that are adjustable. The addition of a waist and/or chest strap helps to evenly distribute the bag’s weight across the shoulders, hips and spine. It’s essential that they’re wearing supportive footwear which is the correct size and width. If you have concerns about your child’s foot biomechanics or are seeking guidance on appropriate footwear, call us on (03) 9589 7815 to book a consult with our friendly Bayside Podiatrists.
These are a few simple ways to try and improve their posture on a daily basis, and the good habits they learn now can last a life time!