Seaview Health Group
At Seaview Health Group, our goal is to get you moving and find a sustainable solution to your problem.
Our Osteopaths combine their expertise to address your issues and are committed to finding long term solutions to address all types of pain, sports injury, exercise goals and rehabilitation.
Osteopathy Aspendale Gardens
Osteopathy is a form of gentle hands-on medicine that is used to treat various forms of pain and imbalance within your body. Our Osteopaths near Aspendale Gardens utilise stretching, massage, joint mobilisation and manipulation, dry needling and exercise prescription to treat your entire body and address the underlying cause of your pain or injury.
Osteopaths understand how your muscular-skeletal system (muscles, bones, nerves) interact to cause you pain and based on our thorough osteopathic assessment, we will design the right treatment plan for you.
At Seaview Health Group near Aspendale Gardens, we thoroughly explain our assessment of your body to you, and ensure that you understand the process we are using to treat your pain.
The Seaview Osteo approach to treatment
Our Osteopaths examine more than just the site of pain and discomfort. We assess the surrounding areas and related body parts, ensuring an accurate diagnosis then develop a comprehensive treatment plan to deliver the best results possible.
We also identify factors that cause and continue to aggravate your condition, which may include work and lifestyle habits, and offer advice to ensure you find a long term and sustainable solution to your pain or injury.
Aspendale Gardens Osteopaths
Our team of Osteo’s aim to reach the highest standards of treatment by incorporating proficient skills and expertise, together with knowledge, compassion and strong communication skills.
Osteopathic Treatment near Aspendale Gardens
We combine our expertise to address your issues and get you moving again. We truly value you and your health, and we are committed to finding solutions that work and are sustainable.
Osteopathy can be used to successfully treat a wide range of injuries.
Headache & MigraIne
Muscle tension and joint restriction in the neck and shoulders are a major cause of headaches and migraines. With these restrictions and tightness in the head and scalp area, blood supply is reduced which can then cause pain.
Whether your interest in sport is professional or purely for pleasure, it can be incredibly frustrating if an injury stops you participating or impairs your performance.Osteopathic treatment not only accelerates the healing process and relieves the pain, it also identifies and resolves any problems in other parts of your body that have contributed to the original injury.
Back & NECK Pain
Back pain is one of the most common medical problems. Understanding the cause of your back pain is the key to proper treatment. This is where your local Osteopath can help. Patients are assessed from a mechanical, functional and postural standpoint.
Shoulder and Elbow pain is a common condition we see at SHG. It can be due to poor posture and ergonomics, muscular and ligament strains, and overuse or repetitive activities such as gripping a tennis racquet, golf club or screwdriver.
Osteopaths will aim to improve your movement and look at how wrist, elbow and shoulder problems may be influenced biomechanically from other body regions, such as the neck and upper back. This whole body approach means your osteopath may be able to reduce pain and improve mobility more efficiently.
Knee and Hip pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints. There are numerous conditions that can cause hip or groin pain. The most common ones that patients present with are: bursitis, osteoarthritis, muscle or ligament injury, referred pain from the lower back or ankle.
Osteopaths will determine the cause of your knee or hip pain and most importantly help you correct the mechanical imbalances and other associated regions so that you can move around with confidence and comfort. If need be, your osteopath will provide you with an exercise program or refer you for further medical assessment if required.
At SHG we offer the combination of Osteopathy, Podiatry, Myotherapy, Massage and exercise methods such as Pilates or Exercise Physiology, which may be effective for treatment of muscular and joint pain. Some of these include ligament sprains, suspected muscle tears, tendonitis, bursitis and arthritis. Our Osteopaths will address all of the structures that may be contributing factors in your joint or muscular pain.
If you're dealing with sciatica, osteopathic treatment may be able to help. We often see patients presenting with what they describe as ‘Sciatica’. Usually the patient has pain in the buttock or back of the leg. ‘True Sciatica’ is caused by compression of the sciatic nerve by bulging discs or arthritic changes in the lower back and may cause pins and needles, burning, numbness or weakness.
Osteopathy is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on the musculoskeletal system. It's based on the belief that if the body's structure is out of alignment, it can lead to pain and other health problems. Osteopathic treatment for sciatica typically involves a combination of hands-on techniques and exercises. The goal is to release tension in the muscles and joints, and improve the function of the nervous system.
Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis are common causes of foot pain that occurs more in women than men. Mechanical dysfunction in the foot can often be the cause. It is common in runners, people who are overweight, during pregnancy or in people that wear poor footwear.
Patients typically find their symptoms are often worst first thing in the morning as the fascia or tendon have been in a shortened position for a long period of time while sleeping. Your Osteopath or Podiatrist will provide a thorough examination to provide an accurate diagnosis of your pain.
Over the course of a pregnancy, a woman’s body must be able to adapt to both the structural & hormonal changes that occur to accommodate a growing baby.
With most of us restricted to working from home, we have seen an increase incidence of chronic postural strain which often arises from repeated and prolonged activities that are usually associated with sitting at a computer all day or sedentary work.
When we sit for a prolonged period we get tired and we slump, causing us to curve our middle back and roll our shoulders forward. In order to look ahead or at our computer screen, our head and neck shifts forward. This is typically results in headaches and pain across the neck and shoulders.
The musculoskeletal system is greatly affected by the ageing process. Gradually over the years our muscles lose their tone & our bones lose their strength. The elasticity within the body deteriorates thereby increasing our risk of injury. Many people with wear and tear (or arthritis) in their joints, even those waiting for hip or knee replacements, are not aware of the relief osteopathic treatment can provide.
What makes Seaview Health Group near Aspendale Gardens different from other Osteopaths?
Our aim is to get you moving and feeling good, so you can get back to doing the things you love and enjoy life to the fullest.
We spend longer with you. Osteo appointments are one on one, to give you the attention you deserve.
We look at the complete picture (even though you may have a sore knee, we look at associated areas such as your ankle, hip, neck, back and other parts of your body, to identify the cause and contributing factors of your condition).
We will give you a realistic treatment plan. Although we love seeing our patients, we don’t want to see you here all the time! So in addition to treatments expect to be given the skills and advice to manage your injury at home.
We continually train and upskill with the latest osteopathic assessment and treatment techniques.
We attend regular seminars and workshops which enable us to serve you better and remain updated with the latest developments in medical research.
Our clinic offers a relaxed, friendly environment. Our osteopaths are approachable and always happy to help.
Osteopathy Pricing
At our Aspendale Gardens Osteo Clinic, we pride ourselves on offering quality service to our patients to ensure they have they have sustainable solutions to their condition.
Osteopathy return consultations are typically 50% longer than Physiotherapists and Chiropractors
Osteopath Prices
Initial Consultation $150
Follow Up/Return Consultation $110
Private Health Rebates can be claimed on the spot
Osteopath Aspendale Gardens
Helping clients from Aspendale Gardens for over 15 years. Our clinic is just down the road at 330 Balcombe Road, Beaumaris.
Osteopathy Clinic near Aspendale Gardens
Experiencing aches and pain in your daily life and want to improve your health? If you’re looking for ‘osteopathy near me’ or ‘physiotherapy in my area’ – look no further than Seaview Health Group’s Osteopaths near Aspendale Gardens. Our doctors of osteopathy can assist you with the right treatment for your health concerns.
Take the first step toward a happier, healthier you by booking an appointment through our website or call us on (03) 9589 7815 if you have any questions. We would love to hear from you.