Whether you’re returning to exercise after an injury or health diagnosis or just getting back into exercise after a long period of inactivity, our Accredited Exercise Physiologist is here to help!
An Exercise Physiologist is a university trained health professional who specialises in the design and delivery of safe exercise interventions to optimise your health, function and quality of life. In simpler terms, they prescribe exercise like doctors prescribe medication. A doctor’s referral isn’t required to see an Exercise Physiologist, however if you have a complex medical history then a letter from your GP/specialist can be incredibly helpful.
An initial assessment is extremely important as the Exercise Physiologist wants to better understand your medical history, current concerns and the outcomes that you’re hoping to achieve. They will ask lots of questions about all facets of life to start putting the puzzle pieces together. They want to know about previous injuries, diagnosed health conditions and associated medications, what your exercise history is like and if you’re currently doing any structured activity. In order to prescribe a realistic and achievable program, they will discuss whether you have equipment at home, are a member of a gym or if you prefer group classes. They may ask about any challenges or barriers to exercise that you have faced in the past to learn how they can best support you in creating sustainable habits for consistency in the future.
The Exercise Physiologist will then perform a series of functional tests to gain baseline measures which can be used to monitor progress over time. These tests will vary depending on each individual’s goals however are commonly used to assess your strength, flexibility, body composition and balance. This is why you should wear comfortable clothing that allows you to stretch and move and consider wearing closed in footwear, particularly if you normally wear orthotics in your shoes.
Typically, there isn’t enough time in an initial assessment to prescribe a full program but you will definitely receive some exercises/stretches to get you started. A follow up appointment will then be scheduled which is when you should come prepared to complete an exercise session under the guidance of the Exercise Physiologist. This is an opportunity for them to provide education on correct technique, appropriate resistance and to outline the reps/sets they would like you to perform.
An Exercise Physiologist’s ultimate goal is to provide you with the tools, education and confidence to start leading a healthier and more active lifestyle.